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SKYLINE Workshop

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Targeted proteome, Lipidome 분석 및 통계처리를 위한 Skyline Workshop

Skyline is a freely-available and open source Windows client application for building Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) / Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM), Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM - Targeted MS/MS), Data Independent Acquisition (DIA/SWATH) and targeted DDA with MS1 quantitative methods and analyzing the resulting mass spectrometer data. It aims to employ cutting-edge technologies for creating and iteratively refining targeted methods for large-scale quantitative mass spectrometry studies in life sciences.

2018년 3월 28일(수) 13:00-18:00
서울대학교 글로벌공학교육센터 중회의실 516호

The Korean Human Proteome Organization (KHUPO)
Department of Molecular Medicine and Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology,
Seoul National University

Please bring your own laptop for practical sessions! [개인랩탑지참 필수]

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Registration Fee

Category Fee
PI KRW 150,000
Student KRW 100,000
* KRW 80,000 for 2018 KHUPO annual conference participants


Time Program Instructor
13:00-13:30 (30min) Introduction: Skyline program의 기본 원리 소개 Eugene C. Yi Ph.D.
(Seoul National University College of Medicine)
13:30-14:30 (60min) MRM: Skyline program 구성 및 기본 사용법과 targeted proteomics (MRM) 분석법 실습 Hyunsoo Kim Ph.D.
(Seoul National University College of Medicine)
14:30-15:30 (60min) PRM: Skyline program을 이용한 orbitrap 기반 PRM data 분석법 실습 Byoung-Kyu Cho Ph.D.
(Seoul National University College of Medicine)
15:30-15:40 (10min) Break
15:40-16:40 (60min) Lipid MRM: lipidomics의 간략한 소개 및 database 구축과 targeted lipidomics 분석법 실습 Jae Won Oh Ph.D. Candidate
(Kyung Hee University)
16:40-18:00 (80min) Statistics: MSstats를 사용한 proteomic data 통계분석법 실습 Meena Choi Ph.D.
(Northeastern University College of Computer and Information Science)